Putting it All Together

Now that you've learned how to code a dynamic Pokédex using the PokéAPI...

Your Turn: Try and Modify the Demo Pokédex!

By putting together the code snippets from the GET Request and JSON Response sections together we obtain a fully-functional, customizable, dynamic, web-based Pokédex. The next page is a fully formatted version of this code, and allows you to get basic information about your favorite Pokémon. Now that you understand how to the PokéAPI, take the provided demo code and modify it by using the pokemon-species, pokemon, or other API methods.

Demo Pokédex Github Repo

The code examples used in this guide do not include the Bootstrap template or CSS formatting of the Demo Pokédex on the next page. If you'd like a copy of the Demo Pokédex to play around with or rehost, take a look at this site's Github repository.

Thanks for reading!